Tour of the Royal BC Museum
Hotel Grand PacificTour of the RBCM and lunch at The Hotel Grand Pacific - See Homepage for specific details about this event which includes tour and lunch.
Tour of the RBCM and lunch at The Hotel Grand Pacific - See Homepage for specific details about this event which includes tour and lunch.
Sandra Servers, President of the Victoria Downtown Resident's Association.
Rich McCue from UVic will present Artificial Intelligence, demystifying AI
Our 111th year of The Canadian Club of Victoria's traditional Christmas Tea. Celebrate the launch to your festive holiday season with family and friends at The Hotel Grand Pacific.
Bob Joesph, author of "21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act.
Dr. Kate Morgan from the University of Victoria will discuss what has been accomplished at Ocean Networks Canada. Ocean Networks Canada is a University of Victoria initiative that operates the NEPTUNE and VENUS cabled ocean observatories in the northeast Pacific Ocean.
Thomas Pedersen, author of, The Carbon Tax Question: Clarifying Canada's Most Consequential Policy Debate.
Join members and guests of The Canadian Club of Victoria for our Annual Arts & Culture evening with a vintage fashion show at The Uplands Golf Club
More information to follow
Robert Lewis Manning, CEO of the Victoria Harbour Authority, will discuss the latest happening's around Victoria's harbour