Dr. Kate Moran, Accomplishments of Oceans Networks Canada
The February Canadian Club of Victoria meeting featured, Dr. Kate Moran, from the University of Victoria speaking about the accomplishments of Ocean Networks Canada.
Dr. Moran is an Order of Canada recipient and is the President & CEO of Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), a position she has held since 2012. She first joined the University of Victoria in September 2011 as a professor in the Faculty of Science and as Director of NEPTUNE Canada.
Her previous appointment was Professor and Associate Dean at the University of Rhode Island. From 2009 to 2011, Moran was seconded to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where she served as an Assistant Director and focused on Arctic, polar, ocean, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and climate policy issues. She is active in public outreach on topics related to the Arctic, ocean observing, and climate change. Professor Moran co-led the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program’s Arctic Coring Expedition which successfully recovered the first paleoclimate record from the Arctic Ocean. She also led one of the first offshore expeditions to investigate the seafloor following the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. Professor Moran is a registered professional engineer, a fellow of the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers, and was selected as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow for the class of 2022.
Tuesday, February 11th. 2025
Hotel Grand Pacific
21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act
The January Canadian Club of Victoria meeting featured, renowned speaker Bob Joesph who presented 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act as it relates to Truth and Reconciliation and its importance in understanding to improve relationships between Indigenous peoples and the engineering profession for more meaningful partnerships in economic development projects.
Bob Joseph, founder and President of Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., has provided training on Indigenous relations since 1994. Each year he assists thousands of individuals and organizations in building Indigenous relations. His Canadian clients include all levels of government, Fortune 500 companies, financial institutions, including the World Bank, small and medium-sized corporate enterprises, and Indigenous Peoples. He has worked internationally for clients in the United States, Guatemala, Peru, and New Caledonia in the South Pacific. In 2006, Bob facilitated a worldwide Indigenous People’s round table in Switzerland which included participants from the United Nations,
Tuesday, January 14th. 2025
Hotel Grand Pacific
Tour of Craigdarroch Castle & Annual Christmas Luncheon
The holidays are a magical time at the Castle, and the Christmas season is quickly approaching. On this self-guided tour of Craigdarroch Castle, you will experience a unique glimpse into authentic Victorian toys and traditions. Once the stately home of the Dunsmuir family, then home to the Craigdarroch Military Hospital, Victoria College, the Victoria School Board, Victoria Conservatory of Music and now, a designated National Historic site, the tour will take about 1.5 hours. Staff will be available to answer your questions as you move through the 25,000 square foot home.
Clink on the video below, to hear the history of the Dunsmuir family and Craigdarroch Castle.
Once completing the tour, the annual Canadian Club of Victoria Christmas Luncheon will take place at the Hotel Grand Pacific.
Monday, December 2nd. 2024
Craigdarroch Castle and the Hotel Grand Pacific
Demystifying Artificial Intelligence
The Canadian Club of Victoria's November meeting will feature a presentation by Rich McCue from the University of Victoria on demystifying Artificial Intelligence, from Self-Driving Cars to ChatGPT
Artificial Intelligence (AI), once a concept confined to science fiction, is now an integral part of our daily lives. From the smart assistants on our phones to self-driving cars, AI is reshaping the world.
AI is expected to continue evolving and enhancing capabilities across various sectors, but it also necessitates ongoing discussions about its implications for society.
Understanding these elements can help demystify AI and clarify its potential and limitations.
Rich McCue is from Victoria, BC, and manages the University of Victoria Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons (DSC). He has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master of Arts in Education. Rich is also a sessional instructor in the Faculty of Education where he teaches courses on educational technology, multimedia, and online learning, and a course titled, “Learn to Make Anything.” The DSC helps the UVIC community explore and express their ideas in ways other than text and tell their research stories in interesting and engaging ways.
Tuesday, November 12th 2024
Hotel Grand Pacific
Community Safety and Well-being
Community Safety and Wellbeing - There are no easy solutions to the intersecting problems of homelessness, poverty, mental health and addiction challenges but an upcoming plan hopes to provide a way forward for the residents of Victoria. Our speaker, Sandra Severs, has worked in the social service field for over a decade with experience in shelter provision in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver as well as in community mental health. Currently she is the president of the Victoria Downtown Residents Association and sits on Mayor Alto’s Community Safety and Wellbeing leaders advisory group.
Tuesday, October 8th 2024
Hotel Grand Pacific
Whose Stories Count? Challenges and Opportunities for the Royal BC Museum
The September luncheon event will include a tour of the Royal B.C. Museum including the Stonehenge exhibit and lunch at the Hotel Grand Pacific.
Whose Stories Count? Challenges and Opportunities for the Royal BC Museum
Museums tell stories, but whose stories get included and whose do not? This talk explores some of the stories that the RBCM has told in the past, the ones it is currently telling and the challenges and opportunities that future storytelling holds in our commitment to reconciliation, inclusivity and respect for all.
Leslie Brown, PhD, is a Professor Emerita at the University of Victoria. With roots in Saskatchewan, she has lived on Lekwungen territory for over 40 years. She earned degrees in public administration and social work and built a career on a commitment to community engagement and accountability. Her scholarly interests include Indigenous child welfare and governance, housing and homelessness and Indigenous and community-based research methodologies. Her teaching expertise was in the field of research and evaluation methods, particularly community and Indigenous approaches to research and knowing. She held several administrative positions at UVIC before retiring in 2017. She was appointed as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Royal BC Museum in the fall of 2022. Leslie views part of her role as great-grandmother to young Brody and Ivy as supporting their connection to land, community, history and imagined futures and she brings that passion with her to the RBCM.
Tuesday, September 18th. 2024
Hotel Grand Pacific
Judith A Craig - Past sculptor at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
Speaker: Judith A Craig, past sculptor at Madame Tussauds Wax MuseumAs head sculptor at Madame Tussauds, Judith spent time with many famous people, prior to the creation of wax figures being created. Judith discussed the history of portrait sculpture, exhibitions around the world and equality of the exhibits. Please see her biography below.

Monday, June 17th. 2024
Hotel Grand Pacific
MAID – Dying with Dignity
Speakers: Gwen Anholt and Lynne Van Luven, Co-chairs, Victoria Chapter, Dying With Dignity Canada

Title: Keeping Track of Medical Assistance in Dying
Abstract: Since 2016, When Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) became legal across the country, thousands of Canadians have accessed it. Each province’s departments of health implement MAID slightly differently. Gwen and Lynne discussed the law, as applied in B.C., in light of changes recommended by parliamentary sub-committee recommendations.
Speakers’ bios:
Gwen and Lynne have been volunteers with Dying With Dignity Canada for the past seven years. Gwen is a consultant in leadership and communication and a former government public servant. Lynne is a former journalist, a retired professor of writing and an editor.Monday, May 27th. 2024
Hotel Grand Pacific
The Canadian Club Of Victoria Spring Arts & Culture Event
Members and guests of The Canadian Club of Victoria were treated to a wonderful evening of food provided by the culinary team at the Uplands Golf Course and song by some members of the Gettin' Higher Choir.
About the Gettin’ Higher Choir
The Gettin’ Higher Choir seeks to embrace and celebrate humanity’s highest aspirations through music, welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds. We are not associated with any particular religion or spiritual path.
Our aim is to re-integrate singing into the daily routines of life. We sing for the pure joy and pleasure it gives us, in an atmosphere that is fun, relaxed, and accepting. Our repertoire consists of both traditional and new songs from many cultures. The majority are sung a cappella (unaccompanied voices only) in 4-part harmony.
Wednesday, April 17th. 2024
Uplands Golf Course
Captain Roger Williams - BC Coast Pilots
Speaker: Captain Roger Williams - BC Coast Pilots
If you've ever walked along Dallas Rd. or the Ogden Point break water, you will have seen the Victoria base for the Coast Pilot boats that safely transition all commercial marine traffic plying the waters of southern British Columbia. Join us as Captain Roger Williams explains this fascinating service that has existed from the early 1800's to present day.
"It's 2 AM , you have just safely made the jump from the pilot boat onto the pilot ladder and started the long climb to the ship rail 9 meters above you. The pilot boat backs away and observes as you make the climb just in case something happens. The ship is headed from the Victoria pilot station to Vancouver to load grain headed for Asia. Once on the bridge, with ship head steadying up on an easterly course you greet the captain and officers and begin the process of taking over the watch for the 6-8 hour trip to Vancouver". A day in the life of a pilot.
Tuesday, March 19th. 2024
Hotel Grand Pacific
Charlayne Thornton-Joe, Victoria Chinese Canadian Museum and Lunch
Speaker: Charlayne Thornton-Joe - Victoria Chinese Canadian Museum
The February luncheon event included a tour of the Chinatown Museum in Fan Tan Alley and luncheon at the Fountain Restaurant in Blanshard Square at the corner of Hillside and Blanshard St. Charlayne Thornton-Joe, former Victoria city councillor for many years, will be our guide at the Museum in the oldest Chinatown in Canada.
Tuesday, February 20th. 2024
Victoria Chinese Canadian Museum - Fan Tan Alley, Chinatown
Michael Warren, Looking at the value in the Canadian Art Market
Speaker: Michael Warren - Madrona Gallery
Michael discussed the many aspects of the Canadian Art market and what is or how to value original artwork.
Tuesday, January 16th. 2024
Hotel Grand Pacific
110th Annual Christmas Tea
The 110th Annual Traditional, Canadian Club of Victoria Christmas Tea
Monday, December 4th. 2023 The Fairmont Empress Hotel, Crystal Ballroom |
Dr. Andrew Weaver: Advancing climate policy in a polarizing
Geoff Wilmshurst, How can the Canada-China relationship be repaired?
Dr. Rene' Weir, Deadly Infectious Diseases
Christine Lapointe, The Opioid Crisis
Shachi Kurl, The Future of the Monarchy
Dinner & Culture Event, Uplands Golf Course
Jim Kingham, Solutions for a Wounded Planet
Dr. Tyrone Woods, Recent Adventures in Astronomy
Dr. Kevin Hall, UVic and the Community: Partnering for Positive Change
Bob McDonald,
“A Green Guide to the Future”
Grand Pacific Hotel
Tuesday September 21 at 11:45 am.
The Canadian Club of Victoria is launching its luncheon speaker series of 2021-22 featuring guest speaker Bob McDonald, celebrated Canadian science correspondent and host of Quirks & Quarks, the award-winning science program that is heard by 500,000 people each week. He has written and hosted numerous television documentaries and more than 100 educational videos in Canada and the United States, authored five bestselling science books, and contributed to numerous textbooks magazines, and newspapers including the Globe and Mail. His latest book, a Canadian Bestseller, is An Earthling’s Guide to Space: Everything you wanted to know about black holes, dwarf stars, aliens and much more. Recipient of multiple awards and recognition including the Order of Canada and the Queen’s Jubilee Medal among others.
Xmas Tea
Pearson College
United World College
Luncheon Tyrone (Ty) Pile, Interim President & Head of College
Tuesday February 18
Tyrone Pyle and Susan Haddon
Lester B. Pearson
Thomas Williams and Tyrone Pyle
For a rare international “good news” story to brighten your February, we learnt how a small college in Metchosin is making a huge difference to the world. Founded in 1974, Pearson is a United World College, where some 200 students from 90 countries live, study and grow together in a transformational environment.
Eighteen United World Colleges around the world share a mission to “make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.” For nearly five decades, thousands of Pearson graduates have carried this message from Metchosin to every corner of the globe, inspiring change in their communities.
A History of Victoria’s Chinatown Wednesday January 22
Luncheon with guest speaker Charlayne Thornton-Joe
What better way to launch a new decade than delving into the history of Canada’s oldest Chinatown? Victoria councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe brought personal insight into a review of the fascinating historical development of Victoria’s Chinatown. A third-generation Victorian who has a “passion for serving people,” Thornton-Joe has earned many awards for her service to community.
Hope Matters
"How changing the way we think is critical to solving environmental crisis"
Tuesday November 17
Zoom meeting with Elin Kelsey
View the slides from Elin's presentation here
Click the box below to see the photos of our Christmas Tea at the Empress
HeroWork: A Shining Example of Community Spirit
Tuesday November 20
We had a luncheon with special guest speaker Peter Smither of HeroWork.
HeroWork harnesses the power of community to transform lives. The organization inspires volunteers from all walks of life to donate their time and resources to charitable agencies that are often operating in dilapidated old buildings.
Peter Smither talked about the intricate planning that lies behind the success of events HeroWork calls Radical Renovations - think of modern-day barn raising – where dozens of companies and hundreds of volunteers come together in synchronized teams. In a matter of hours and days, HeroWork completes projects that would normally take weeks or months. From building trades to the Royal Canadian Navy, from retired professionals to local company teams, people across Victoria are stepping in, picking up hammers and paintbrushes, and making a huge difference to the charities that are helping the most vulnerable citizens in Victoria.
In just a few years, close to $3 million worth of non-profit renovations have transformed spaces for local charities such as the Mustard Seed Food Bank, Anawim House homeless shelter, Threshold housing for youth, and Casa Maria housing for refugees.
HeroWork provides a shining example of how much can be done, when people work together with common vision and good planning.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Sunday, November 10, 2018
Club Executive member, Tom Williams, and his wife Eva Swenson laid a wreath on behalf of the Club
Inspiring Canadians
Tue, 16 October 2018
“Counting What Counts: The Genuine Progress Indicator”
Our luncheon special guest speaker was Mike Pennock
For decades, economists have used GDP (or Gross Domestic Product) as a general indicator of national development. Today, many believe GDP alone fails to tell the whole story of a nation’s well-being
Mike Pennock described a number of new approaches to holistic measures of national progress, with a focus on the GPI (or Genuine Progress Indicator).
Mike Pennock retired in October 2016 from his position as the Provincial Epidemiologist in the BC Ministry of Health. During his forty-year career, Mike worked as the Population Health Epidemiologist at VIHA, was Research Director of the Population Health Research Unit at Dalhousie University and was Executive Director of the Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton-Wentworth.
He became involved in the issue of the measurement of progress in 2006 when he and his wife, Martha, were recruited to spend three months in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan to lead the development of a survey measure for the Bhutanese concept of Gross National Happiness. They remained involved in the topic through their participation in a number of international conferences over the years.
Inspiring Canadians
Thursday September 20
Daniel Lapp
The Canadian Club of Victoria’s 2018/2019 luncheon series got off to an uplifting start with special guest speaker Daniel Lapp. A world-renowned musician, Daniel Lapp is beloved in Victoria for his trademark energy and warmth. As a fiddler, jazz trumpeter and singer/songwriter, he has played on over 100 albums and has performed across Canada and around the world.
A legendary force in Canada’s fiddle scene, in 2014 he was appointed as the inaugural Artistic Director of the Victoria Conservatory of Music’s new Chwyl Family School of Contemporary Music.
Victoria World Partnership Walk 2018
Sunday May 27
Victoria World Partnership Walk 2018, led by President Susan Haddon
The upcoming Columbia River Treaty negotiations: What do they mean for Canada and the U.S.
Tuesday May 15
Hon. Katrine Conroy, Minister of Children and Family Development and Minister responsible for the Columbia Basin Trust, Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia River Treaty
The Art and Heart of Documentary Film making
Wednesday April 18
Suzanne Chisholm and Michael Parfit
“Living in the Anthropocene – How do we get to a One Planet Region?”
Tuesday, March 20 2018
Dr. Trevor Hancock, professor and senior scholar at the University of Victoria’s school of public health and social policy
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights:
Tuesday,February 20 2018
Speaker Brian Head, volunteer at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Murray Rankin, Victoria MP and member of the CCV, thanking speaker Brian Head
Housing First
Mayor Lisa Helps and Our Place Director Don Evans
Tuesday, January, 16, 2018
CCV President Susan Haddon and Don Evans
Lisa Helps and CCV President Susan Haddon
Christmas Tea at the Empress
Monday, December 5, 2017
Canadian Club Bursary winner Amanda Zutz with Russ Lazaruk, Chair of the Camosun Foundation Board.
Canadian Club Bursary winner Jackie Sadler with Russ Lazaruk, Chair of the Camosun Foundation Board
"A Garden of Mariposie" Stories by and about Stephen Leacock
Leslie Robbins-Conway and Paul Conway of Voyageur Storytelling
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Public Policy Issues facing the West: Then and Now
Martha Hall Findlay, President and CEO, Canada West Foundation
Tuesday October 17, 2017
Maestro Timothy Vernon, OC
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Brexit, Trump and Populism:
Where will it all end? ~ David Stocks
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
View a video of the presentation
World Partnership Walk Against Poverty
Sunday, May 28, 2017
The Victoria Hand Project: Making a World of Difference ~Nick Dechev, Ph.D.
Tuesday, 16 May, 2017
Uplands Golf Club Dinner and Cultural Evening with the “Oliphant” Quintet
Wednesday, 19 April, 2017

The Trump Era: Barking Up the Wrong Tree ~ A Lecture by Gwynne Dyer
Tuesday, March 21,2017
Dr Gwynne Dyer, celebrated journalist and author
Canada and the United Nations
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Nigel Fisher, O.C, O.Ont, M.S.C., M.A., LL.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor,
University of Victoria
Earthquake Preparedness:
Learning from Christchurch, NZ
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Rajpreet Sall and Tanya Patterson
Emergency Management, City of Victoria
Christmas Tea
Fairmont Empress Hotel
Monday, December 5, 2016
Special Guest: Her Honour Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon, OBC
Seasonal Entertainment - Oak Bay High School Choir
Electoral Reform
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Murray Rankin, MP Victoria
Wellness Matters: a Dialogue on Connection, Belonging and the Power of Well-Being
Victoria Conference Centre
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps, Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, and Khalil Shariff, CEO, Aga Khan Foundation, Canada
Understanding the US Election: Making Sense of the Electoral College and Process
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Dr. Janni Aragon - Adjunct Assistant Professor Political Science and Technology and Society Program, University of Victoria
Making a Difference: A Canadian in Malawi
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Christie Johnson, Lester Pearson College / Activist
Annual General Meeting
Ocean Networks Canada
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Bob Crosby
University of Victoria
Uplands Golf Club Dinner and Cultural Evening
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Author Anny Scoones and Artist Robert Amos, collaborators on
Hometown: Out and About in Victoria's Neighbourhoods
Assisted Suicide: Impact On Medical Professionals
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Dr. Chris Pengally
Retired Family Physician
The Truth and Reconciliation Report: What Now?
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Ms. Louise Mandell, QC LLD (hon)
Chancellor Vancouver Island University
Canada's Role in Combating Global Corruption
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
The Hon. Roy Cullen, PC CA
Author and Former Federal MP
Christmas Tea
Fairmont Empress Hotel
Monday, December 7, 2015
Special Guest: Her Honour Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon
Entertainment: Sooke String Quartet
Microcredit: An Agent for Change?
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Jo Jamieson and Vu Ndlovu
Impact Of Middle-Eastern Politics on Canada
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Dr. Andrew Wender
Professor, University of Victoria History Department
Donald Gutstein
Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser School of Communication
Author of the book Harperism
Tuesday, September 15, 2015